How we do business-
SC Surfaces is an ethical and professional company - we are careful to choose reputable partners as suppliers, as clients and as associates. The surface solutions provided are chosen because they solve problems, provide long term value, and are environmentally friendly.

SCLT - first house sale. Sheila Collins, SC Surfaces on left.
Community Service - We believe it's important to give back to our community.
*Sheila Collins currently serves on the following Boards of Directors-
-Springfield Industrial Development Authority
-Springfield Public Building Corporation
*Sheila is a former Board member of: Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, United Way, Springfield Community Land Trust, OTC Foundation Board, Construction Specification Institute and Safety Council of the Ozarks. She is a former member of YPO and has been involved in alumni affairs for Cornell University.
*Sheila also volunteered for 2 Extreme Makeover builds: Ash Grove, MO in 2009 and Joplin, MO in 2011.
*Sheila Collins currently serves on the following Boards of Directors-
-Springfield Industrial Development Authority
-Springfield Public Building Corporation
*Sheila is a former Board member of: Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, United Way, Springfield Community Land Trust, OTC Foundation Board, Construction Specification Institute and Safety Council of the Ozarks. She is a former member of YPO and has been involved in alumni affairs for Cornell University.
*Sheila also volunteered for 2 Extreme Makeover builds: Ash Grove, MO in 2009 and Joplin, MO in 2011.